[heading size=”3″ heading_class=”content_heading” h_class=”heading-red”]Cambridge International Certificate/Diploma in Educational Leadership[/heading]

logo-cambridge-ieLeadership learning is based on the twin concepts of active learning and reflective practice. Candidates increase their knowledge of relevant theories and research findings to inform and deepen their reflections. The qualifications aim to strengthen the ability of practising leaders to learn from experience. They do this by providing them with opportunities to reflect, analyse and self-evaluate their actions. Alongside face-to-face sessions and seminars, on-the-job learning is not only encouraged but expected.

In the Diploma, leaders will have the opportunity to:

  • understand key leadership theories and ideas, from inside and outside education, and apply these critically in their own thinking and practice
  • critically engage with evidence from research and practice to develop knowledge with understanding of what is known about:
    successful leadership of change
    –  school improvement
    –   teaching and learning
    –   staff development
    –   relate these to their own and other comparable leadership contexts
  • undertake practice-based initiatives to help them evaluate and improve their own leadership practice
  • develop their reflective practice skills, enriched by ideas and experience from external sources
  • learn collaboratively, supporting and supported by their colleagues to develop insights, knowledge and skills

Who are the qualifications for?

The Diploma is for those who have a leadership role in schools, but also those who work in school districts, regional centres or other parts of the educational system.

The Diploma is relevant to leaders such as head teachers and principals, members of senior leadership teams, heads of department, subject leaders and leaders of other teams. It is essential that leaders can try out in practice, in their workplaces, what they learn during their study.

[heading size=”4″ heading_class=”content_heading” h_class=”heading-red”]ASSESSMENTS[/heading]

In each module portfolio, candidates will use the relevant Cambridge templates to gather, organise and present their evidence to satisfy the assessment criteria. The Diploma is designed so that candidates can demonstrate their professional thinking and practice as clearly and efficiently as possible.

In the portfolio along with the assignment a candidate must submit:

  • Evidence of practice
  • Evidence of learning
  • Evidence of reflection

There are three modular assignments. The Cambridge Certificate is awarded upon successful completion of Module 1 and the Diploma upon subsequent completion of the next two modules.

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